Susan Mitchell, Independent Norwex Consultant

Product Q&A
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Product Questions & Answers

This page will answer some of the most common questions about how to use some of our products. You will learn great tips about how to get the most out of them, based upon my 4 years of experience!

Questions and answers have been sorted into categories. Please select by clicking on a category:

Ordering product

This page is still under construction. New questions and answers will be added over time, so please check back regularly!

Q: Can I order products from this site?

A: Yes and no. Yes, you can click here to contact me and place an order via phone or e-mail. No, there is no online store that has been set up on this site in order to do this.

Q: Will this site eventually have an online store so that I can order products through it?

A: No. Norwex Canada says that it is working on setting up an online store that will allow the customers of each consultant to order product online, but details have been vague and there is no timeline. Once this store is set up, which some sources estimate to be early 2011, the plan is to be able to link to my store from this site. The intention of this site is to provide useful information, not for online ordering, since I have been aware about Norwex's intentions of an online store - I would rather not have to re-invent the wheel!

Q: I have a question about a product that isn’t mentioned here. How can I get an answer?

A: Click here to contact me with your question and I’ll be happy to provide an answer. I will also post them on this page for the benefit of others.

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