Susan Mitchell, Independent Norwex Consultant

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My Norwex Story

Prior to being introduced to Norwex, I had been very health conscious for many years, and through much research and experimentation I had managed to eliminate the majority of chemicals from my cleaning methods, but not to my complete satisfaction. I still found cleaning labor intensive and time consuming. When I was still forced to use chemical cleaners, especially in bathrooms, I detested the strong smells so much that I actually started to wear a mask!

I also remember the amount of extra effort and therefore time I spent switching between the various cleaners I used and having to re-clean areas that didn't get cleaned properly the first time. It was especially frustrating to see streaks, lint particles, and even haze on glass and chrome surfaces that I had tried so hard to clean properly, regardless of the type of cloth, towel, or cleaning solution!

After being introduced to Norwex, I was absolutely amazed - astonished, actually - at how a microfiber cloth moistened with just water was able to do more than all those chemicals and other cloths, and often much faster and with a lot less effort. When I received my first microfiber cloths, I was up till midnight cleaning with a permanent grin on my face because of the absolutely amazing results with using them and only water.

What got me the most excited, however, was how my bathroom cleaning time was reduced by at least 50 percent, and it looked cleaner than it had ever been after using chemicals - I was hooked!! As you can imagine, I was pretty ecstatic about these results, so much so that I became a consultant shortly after hosting my first party.

Soon after I received my first set of microfiber cloths, I had also cleaned some glass stereo cabinet doors with the Window Cloth. After my husband came home from work that day, he went to turn off the VCR inside the cabinet that had been left on. As he was about to close the glass doors, he noticed the sunlight shining through them and asked me if I had used "one of those new cloths". After I said 'yes', he probed me about how long it took and if I had really only used water with the cloth and not a window cleaner chemical.

Norwex can be a truly family affair! My Mom, Irma, helping me at a recent trade show. She's probably my biggest supporter aside from my husband! Trade shows are not a requirement of being a consultant - we are free to choose our own marketing methods - but they are an excellent way to make Norwex and my business known beyond family and friends. They also allow me to share these wonderful products with far more people than can attend one party!
When I assured him that it only took me about two minutes to clean them with just water, he couldn't believe how remarkably clean they looked, even better than they ever had with all of the different cloths, towels, and cleaning solutions he had tried over the years.  He finished by stating, "Hun, you can do whatever it takes to sell those cloths. I'm with you!" He later revealed to me that his first thought had briefly been that I had somehow found new glass doors to replace the old ones!

Norwex has given me peace of mind because I’ve improved my family’s living environment and achieved excellent cleaning results at the same time. I can honestly say that cleaning has become more of a joy than a job for me!

Gratefully, I’ve experienced that life is most fulfilling when I’m spending time with my wonderful family which includes my husband of ten years and my two young children. Being a stay-at-home mom is what I’ve always desired and Norwex has helped solidify that for me.

My husband has always been a bit of a neat freak, as the above story makes quite obvious, so his enthusiasm has been very encouraging throughout my “Adventures in Norwex”. The satisfaction of customers who are also ecstatic about the products has been another huge highlight for me. It is such a joy selling something that sells itself and truly proves to be better than you could possibly imagine!

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my 4 years as a Norwex consultant and I’m looking forward to the road ahead as I’m confident that Norwex will continue to provide innovative ways to clean and care for our family without using harmful chemicals.

If you would like to host a demonstration in your home, office, or any other venue, I would love to help you do that. Or if you’re interested in a business opportunity, whether great or small, I promise to help you be a success at the level you feel you want to be. Please contact me about these or other inquiries. My experience since signing up has certainly surpassed my greatest expectations. It has been rewarding and exciting to say the least!
Want to attract a crowd? Just set up a Norwex display at a trade show! That's me in the center-right background. On this occasion, I had a consultant in my team help out (far left) so that she could learn how to do her own show. (She also took home a portion of the profit.) This is just one example of how my consultants receive help and support every step of the way.

For more information about these and other Norwex opportunities, please check out the Product Q&A and Tell Me More! pages.

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